4 Ways to Naturally Detox Your Body

Detoxing is a great way to recharge your body as it helps to cleanse the blood, increase your energy levels, clear your skin and boost your immune system. After all the feasting this festive period, here are 4 ways to naturally detox your body!

1) Quit Drinking
Alcohol can cause irritation to your gastrointestinal tract, which can cause bloating. If you have been drinking on a regular basis and feels bloated and uncomfortable, you might want to consider reducing your alcohol intake. Some of the benefits of not drinking include better health and gaining mental clarity and more time to do the things that are good for your body!

2) Exercise
Adopting a active lifestyle is important for our health, it is also a form of detoxification! Sweating is a means by which the skin eliminates some toxins such as metals like arsenic, lead and mercury. This is why you always feel refreshed and energized after a intense workout! Some ways to start staying active is through yoga and pilates.

3) Green Smoothies
Homemade smoothies, when made with the right combination provides your body with a wide array of antioxidants and fiber as well as flush out unwanted toxins from your system. A simple green smoothie a day keeps the bloating at bay! I usually make mine with kale, apple, coconut water and a squeeze of lemon.

4) Dry brushing
Blocked pores slow down the release of toxins through the skin. Dry brushing is the juice cleanse for the skin. It exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells which allows the skin to breath and function healthily. Dry brushing also increase blood circulation which can leave skin plumped and radiant in the short term.

Detoxing doesn’t have to be expensive or troublesome at all. Now we can all de-bloat after the Chinese New Year feasting!

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