6 Winners will be randomly selected to win a
Parent & Child Baking Class each
(Worth $309 in total)!!

To WIN (on Facebook):
1) Like & Share this post (set post to public)
2) Like our FB pages (Parent & Child & SpurBox)
2) Like our FB pages (Parent & Child & SpurBox)
3) Follow us on IG (@parentchildsg &
3) Follow us on IG (@parentchildsg &
4) Visit our website ( & subscribe to our mailing list
5) Tag 5 friends (together in 1 comment)
 Giveaway ends on 01 May 2019, 2359h.
 6 lucky winners will be picked randomly and announced by Parent & Child on 02 May.
 Allocation of class will be random (3 Winners for [Junior Baker] Berry Giant Macarons + 3 Winners for [Junior Baker] Me and Mom Cookies) and session date/time is subject to availability.
 Each Child may be accompanied by an Adult.
To PARTICIPATE, simply pop over to our Facebook post!
Spurbox is a baking and crafts wonderland that conducts various Family bonding activities.
It also hosts and organizes school excursions as well as birthday parties.
#spurbox #baking #juniorbaker #juniorbaking #kidsbaking #bakingclass #sgbaking #parentchildbonding #bondingclass #mothersdaygiveaway #giveaway #sggiveaway #motherhoodsg #sgparents #sgmummies #sgmums #sgchildren #sgkids #sgfamily #familybonding #sgig